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Kostenloses Pornospiel herunterladen — The Factotum Milf Expansion – Version 2020.12.22  [Discreen Vision] The Factotum Milf Expansion – Version 2020.12.22  [Discreen Vision]
The Factotum Milf Expansion – Version 2020.12.22 [Discreen Vision]

Info: Discreen Vision Game Collection Walkthrough: First of all look around everywhere, Click on everything, Read the Dialogue! They give hints! 1.Talk to Gyula and enter your apartment.(Choose any option you wish.) In your room take the 2 bags down by clicking on them, take off your jacket.Take the letter, read it. Take up the newspaper.Take the bag behind you. Exit the apartment and go to floor 3. Andrew is before the door but he lets you in. Talk with Marika and follow the flow of the dialog s. Start to repair the Microwave. After getting burned clean yourself by clicking on the bathtub. Go outside, talk with Aunt Marika. Go inside the bathroom and take the sponge. 8 .Click on Microwave,vase, books and throw them out on the corridor outside of the apartment.(Pink trash can.)Clean up the dirt by clicking on it. Go home and take up the Phase pencil( in the living room on the couch). Take up the book from the box in your fore room. Go to the other door of floor 4 and talk with Ancika. Search for the socket in the bathroom and after Ancika found the socket click on the burned socket on the wall. Choose as you wish by the scene of repair. There are more ways! You land on your outside corridor. There is Rose and you can talk with her. There are multi ways.You decide witch you choose(if you want have sex or not). After the scene with Rose , Andrew is outside on the corridor and he wants you to make a party. He gave you some decorations but you need more. Go to Ancika and ask her to get some stuff. Go down on floor one to buy a Christmas tree from Sabrina. Go to your own living room on floor 4 and Gyula will knock on the door. He gives you bad lights. Go to the living room and take a bulb from the small lamp on the left. Click on the bulb in inventory and repair the lights. Go to Marika and click on inventory items to decorate. Party begins. Look around and listen to the talking. After a time Gyula and Rose disappear. Enter the bathroom and you will see some..dirty stuff. End of Factotum Milf expansion for now. To be continued!

4.5 / 5 5 22
Kostenloses Pornospiel herunterladen — Sugar Baby Galore – New Final Version 1.12 (Full Game) [3Diddly] Sugar Baby Galore – New Final Version 1.12 (Full Game) [3Diddly]
Sugar Baby Galore – New Final Version 1.12 (Full Game) [3Diddly]

In this game, the main character, Victor Lane, is a successful self made business man. He has decided to take advantage of his financial situation, and date beautiful young women. During Victor’s time spent with his dates, he will accumulate Sugar Points. At checkpoints, if the Sugar Points are high enough, he will gain Love Points. These Love Points are specific for each Sugar Baby, and represents whether they have sincere feelings towards Victor or not. If the Love Points are low, the Sugar Baby will still have relations with Victor, but it will mostly be an act. If Love Points are high for that Sugar Baby, then they will want to date Victor sincerely, and even have a serious relationship with him. With each Sugar Baby, you can also choose between the Corruption Path or the Guidance Path. Guidance Path: By choosing the Guidance Path, Victor will guide the Sugar Baby, and do what is best for her, all the while having fun with her. Corruption Path: By choosing the Corruption Path, Victor will exploit the Sugar Baby for his own sexual desires, and transform her into a sex symbol. After the intro, you will be able to check on the status or date each of the Sugar Babies. Currently there are 3 Sugar Babies in the game, and they will have different outcomes depending on your actions. April: Guidance route: April is and aspiring model, and will become famous under Victor’s guidance. Corruption route: April will eventually become a porn star. Brianne: Guidance route: Brianne wants to be a famous singer. Victor will help her achieve that. Corruption route: Brianne will become a bimbo. Lee: Guidance route: Lee needs to get out of her husband’s debt problems. Victor can help her get back to her normal life. Corruption route: Lee will become a submissive sex slave.

3.8 / 5 5 19

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